All submissions are posted regardless of position or standing.
Now, to the heart of the matter; the "Shamsie Tick" FKA the "Shamsie Clique" network of Avarice and Fiscal Loophole Specialties.
Dear Mr Shamsie,
It is ironic how you entered the Body of Christ via Robstown and you pinched and cut and denied and fired, released, and demoted your supporters their families and the community they inspired to elect you. A bang up JOB you performed with fiscal expediency and without one drop of loyalty (not even to your wife).
Mr Boss Of Bosses, Jefe de Jefe, or fiscal deconstructionists (creative accountant) and his oddball choice of high ballin contractor without bid process. It turns out …..
DOS Logistics & Omega Contracting Inc.-
Public Private Strategies-
The Correction Corporations of America (CCA)-
The Federal Prison Lobby Bureau of Prisons-
The Primary Robstown Private Prison Contractor (LCS) Leverage of Public Opinion that affected the election.
Commissioner Betty Jean Longoria said it would be unfortunate if the political ad kills the project.
Company officials refused to comment on whether the ad has now jeopardized the plans to build the corrections facility, saying it might unfairly impact the election.
But, but,…. but Lencho Rendon was Alvarez's consultant and he is in business with Randy Delay so why would the Louisiana Contractor (Robstown Federal Prison Project) dare to offend a candidate of Lencho? Did Lencho squeeze Alvarez to eliminate him for a candidate he could or thought he could control? Is that candidate Jimmy Rodriguez or Jim Kaelin? Is there any truth that Kaelin is being courted (or has received campaign donations) from WATT Democrat? The Federal Prisoner Removal, the abuse of a Political Familia from Robstown and the Nueces County Jail Conditions but you wanted to give 1.2 million to Randy Delay for WATT?
BRACC, BREAK or BROKE while sacrificing our "money maker" (the Nueces County Jail). Was / is Randy Delay via Solomon Grande our Nueces County insider connection to the Federal Prison Lobby? The Awards (evidenced by Larry Olivarez) and the Federal Prisoner occupancy dividend was never a problem until after the $1.2 Million to DELAY was denied. WHO wanted the Nueces County Jail to be a problem right in the middle of the County Leadership Races? Who crashed in during the Primary from Lousiana with concerns about the building of a Private Prison?
A Dream Team of Randy Delay with Solly Lobbying in Washington, Solomon Sr. nicely positioned on the House Arms Services Committee and his influential "friends" such as Congressman Ike Skelton, the distract and the DELAY side JOB Lobby at the Federal Bureau of Prisons / CCA / Private Prison Profiteering CON. With the Shamsie Dream Team, the Nueces County housing Federal Prisoners was never an issue, not even when the Mold Contamination was an issue. Evidently, the Mold remains even though the Commissioners Court and Shamsie never addressed it (or did they ignore it?). These are not Democrat issues. These are not Republican issues these are Nueces County issues.
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